PTA Spirit Store Prepaid Ticket $7
This year's PTA Spirit Store lunch sale dates will be: Feb 9, Apr 5, May 3, with other dates added at PTA events as announced.
Items available to purchase include gibitz (croc charms), gibitz bracelets, pop keychains, stickers, and of course spirit sticks! Items are priced between $0.50 and $2.00.
New Option available - prepay your student's items online! You may purchase a ticket in $5/$7/$10 amounts. Your student may then go to the PTA store during lunch and spend their prepaid amount - no refunds or change given. If you have more than one student, they will each need their own separate ticket.
**Physical tickets will NOT be issued; student names will be checked on a prepaid list. No Refunds or change will be given for prepaid ticket. Prepaid tickets sales will close the night before the PTA store date. Cash will still be accepted in person.
Questions? Email [email protected]
** Volunteer to work the PTA Spirit Store Table